Through the cooperation of the OMRA,
Oregon Parks & Recreation Department (OPRD),
member clubs,
plus individual members, the OMRA presents the most
comprehensive, accepted, consistent and sustainable
STATEWIDE Youth Safety Evaluation Program (YSEP). Master
Evaluator and evaluation classes are underway. Courses are
set to be scheduled throughout the state through OMRA member
clubs and organizations. Together we are making OHV
recreation more safe and accessible for Oregon's OHV community.
Be informed and prepared for your evaluation,
download a copy of the OMRA YSEP Course Curriculum and Range
Diagram. Click Here.
The OHV Guidebook -
Click Here.
To contact the OMRA Safety Coordinator via
Locate a Hands-On Evaluation near you
via Oregon Parks and Recreation Depts. ATV Hands-On
Training Locator.
Click Here
About the 2012 Mandatory OHV Youth Safety Law
As of January 1, 2012 Oregon law will require all off-road
motorcycle and ATV operators ages 15 and under to complete a
hands-on evaluation course to ride legally on all Oregon public
lands. OMRA is now conducting our
Class III (motorcycle) Youth Safety Evaluation Program. The
evaluation course will satisfy the law's requirements and
provide an accessible and affordable endorsement for Oregon's
young riders. See below for our easy,
one-step registration process.
What is a Youth Safety Evaluation?
A Youth Safety Evaluation will be a one-time, hands-on skills
demonstration to evaluate a youths ability to safely control and
fit their OHV. The youth's on-line Safety Ed card will be
endorsed after he/she has passed the minimum requirements.
Parents will need to bring their child/children prepared to ride
with the vehicle and proper protective gear.
OMRA's role in Oregon Youth Safety
The OMRA is looking at this law from a
positive perspective,
as education is always good. We are fully
supportive of positive education, especially with our youth.
Our Oregon non-profit status gives us the ability to offer a Youth
Safety Evaluation program at a fraction of the cost of a State
run program, saving you money. A state-run
program would likely be paid for out of our Oregon ATV fund. We
would rather see that money reserved for direct OHV recreation
use. Our survey responses will also help us shape the course
curriculum to suit your needs rather than an entity beyond our
control. Given that the law is here, we intend to make the best
of it.
does it cost to go through the
OMRA Youth Safety Evaluation
just $20.00 per participant for the
citizen riders of Oregon. The actual
cost of the program is $65.00 per
participant, but the State of Oregon
in an effort to reduce the financial
burden to the riders of Oregon is
subsidizing $45.00 of the $65.00
registration cost, so Oregon
residents only pay $20.00.
The State of
Oregon will only subsidize Oregon
and out-of-state
Class III (motorcycle)
riders that enjoy riding in Oregon
will be responsible for the full
$65.00 cost of the evaluation. It
should also be pointed out that
the State
of Oregon has reciprocal agreements
for safety requirements with other
states. See below:
Oregon Administrative
Reciprocity for
Out-of-State Permits
An ATV operating permit that is
issued in another state
shall be honored in the State of
Oregon if the issuing state also
honors an Oregon ATV operating
(1) The ATV must have a resident
state ATV operating permit or a
State of Oregon ATV operating
permit to operate the ATV on
designated ATV areas.
(a) A State of Oregon ATV
operating permit may be issued
for all terrain vehicles owned
by a resident of another state.
(b) An ATV operating permit is
valid in those areas designated
for ATV use.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 390.180
Stats. Implemented: ORS 390.180
Hist.: PRD 8-2000, f. & cert.
ef. 6-2-00
Class III Required Equipment checklist for
Bring your own motorcycle, ready to ride and the right size!
Have completed the OPRD on-line Safety Education Course – Bring
verification of completion (Either ATV Safety Education Card
–or‐ Printed Certificate of Completion)
Have a parent or guardian accompany you (15 or younger)
Helmet (DOT approved motorcycle helmet that fits properly)
Goggles (or helmet with shield)
Sturdy over the ankle shoes or boots
Long-sleeve shirt
Long Pants
