It's time
for the Annual OMRA Awards Banquet on February 6!
CLICK HERE to get all the info!
The 2016
Calendar of events is now uploaded!
CLICK HERE to check it out!
OMRA Board
Meeting next week at a new location - thanks to Tom Ginsbach
and company:
NGI, 9120 SW Pioneer Court, Suite B, Wilsonville OR 97070
Just off I-5 near Wilsonville. Usual time - start 7 PM and
get done and out by 9 PM.
We are aware
that our message board is having hiccups and have escalated
the fix with our webhost, so hang tough.
We have new
Officers! Go to the Contact Us
page to learn all about the new Officers that will help
propel our sport!
The latest info
came out for the AMA Board of Directors NW Region Election.
CLICK HERE to vote!
The Annual
Calendar Meeting will again be at the Lobos Clubhouse on
December 5th, 9am.
CLICK HERE for more info.
This month's
OMRA Monthly Meeting at the Mt. Scott Clubhouse went well.
We like the idea of having the meeting at various locations,
so stay tuned.
The Nov 14 Awards Celebration has been moved to Jan/Feb
timeframe FYI!
October OMRA Monthly Meeting will be at the Mt. Scott
CLICK HERE for more info.
On August 22 we hope to see all the reps
from the various OMRA Clubs throughout the state! Due to
confusion with the original venue for this meeting, we have
had to move it to another location.
New location is: Cascade
Grill, 110 Opal Ct. SE,
Albany, OR 97322. Meet in
their banquet room at 12:30 - lunch
from the menu. Please RSVP
ASAP. Any questions, let
Chuck or Lonny know!
As has been the tradition lately, no July meeting is
planned due to the proximity to Independence Day.
Have fun and stay cool!
Our Message Board will be updated again
today, so there may be a delay in use of the board.
Our own Barrett Brown received
a distinguished
State-of-the-Art Technology Award with his
Single Track LLC, ST240 Trail
Machine at the recent American Trails
2015 International Symposium in Portland!
The Message Board will be getting a needed software upgrade
today, so there might be a short delay, FYI.
The May OMRA Monthly Meeting is cancelled due to the
recent OMRA Meeting at the China Hat ISDE. We will resume
for June.
The April-monthly
OMRA Meeting will NOT be at the normal location, but on
the evening prior (4/25/2015) to the China Hat ISDE (outside
of Bend) at the signup area. Join if you would like and see
you there!
The March-monthly OMRA
Meeting will as normal be at the Beaverton Honda-Yamaha
Service Building.
CLICK HERE for the info and see you there!
The Message Board will be in the process of updating
source code today, so will be offline for a short while.
If all goes well, it should be back up this afternoon.
Thanks for your patience.
The February-monthly OMRA
Meeting will as normal be at the Beaverton Honda-Yamaha
Service Building.
CLICK HERE for the info and see you there!
We now have a new Alternate Referee,
Jon Beaver! CLICK HERE to
read about him and welcome aboard Jon!
2015 Event Calendar is now posted (on the left), so go
check out the list of fun events for this year!
monthy OMRA Meeting will NOT happen tonight in leau of the
Annual OMRA Calendar Meeting this Saturday, 9am at Lobos
Annual Awards Celebration was a blast!
CLICK HERE to check out the photos and video!
10/17/14: The
Awards Celebration is rapidly
approaching on November 15
(we've moved it up!)! Only
a short time to preregister for the
celebration and you
don't want to
miss it!
to get all the info!
Please preregister
by November 8 so we can plan accordingly!
The October-monthly OMRA
Meeting will as normal be at the Beaverton Honda-Yamaha
Service Building.
CLICK HERE for the info and see you there!
The Mt. Scott Dualsport is now
unfortunately officially cancelled.
Sadly our dear friend, fellow rider, and
activist Billy Toman passed away on 9/12. Our sincere
condolences to his family. More information is
The October MRA Dualsport has been cancelled unfortunately.
The July-monthly OMRA Meeting is cancelled since it's
well, in the middle of July. The Officers are emailing
status to the president, Lonny, so you do the same if you
have an important topic.
The June-monthly OMRA
Meeting will be back at the Beaverton Honda-Yamaha
Service Building!
CLICK HERE for the info and see you there!
5/9/14: We
have two Trail Parties coming up! May 10 will be at Ladee
Flats out of Estacada -
CLICK HERE for info! May 17 we will be at Jordan
Creek in Tillamook Forest -
CLICK HERE for info! See you there!
4/29/14: In
our efforts to support event-based monthly OMRA Meetings,
the upcoming May OMRA BOD meeting will be held on Saturday, May
3, 2014,
6pm at the China Hat ISDE (Camp 2510).
2/4/14: The April OMRA
BOD meeting will be held on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at Clark's
Branch following the GP; approx 3pm.
The May OMRA BOD meeting will be held on Sunday, May
4, 2014 at the China Hat ISDE (Camp 2510).
We hope to continue with more event based meeting
around the state throughout the riding season so more of you
have a chance to attend at least occasionally.
2/4/14: FYI,
since we already had our February monthly OMRA Meeting
immediately before the Awards Celebration, there will not be
a meeting on 2/5/14.
1/23/14: The
Awards Celebration is rapidly approaching on February
1! (Note:
we will have our monthly OMRA Meeting at 1pm there too)
a short time to preregister for the
celebration and you
don't want to
miss it!
CLICK HERE to get all the info!
Please preregister
by January 25 so we can plan accordingly!
Go to
the Archives section to see prior Latest
News updates