take action on the items below:
The House of
Representatives and the Senate have passed
their individual versions of the
Transportation Equity Act, which provides
funding for the RTP. Check to see
which members of the House and the Senate
have been appointed to the conference
committee. If one of your
Represenatives is on the committee, ARRA
asks you to write them and encourage them to
keep the higher funding level for RTP.
- Rec
Fee Funds
ARRA is outraged by
efforts by the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) to use camper fees from
California’s Imperial Sand Dunes
Recreation Area to fund an environmental
study costing $1 million. ARRA urges
all recreation enthusiasts to take a stand
against this misuse of funding by sending
a letter TODAY to the California
Congressional delegation and the BLM.
- Help
Protect the Land You Love
Ask your Representative
to co-sponsor H.R. 3247, the Trail
Responsibility and Accountability for the
Improvement of Lands Act of 2003 today!
- Protecting
the Land You Love
If your Representative is
already a co-sponsor of H.R. 3247, the Trail
Responsibility and Accountability for the
Improvement of Lands Act of 2003, then use
the above link to send them a thank you for
their support.
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