Name: Ryen Reid
phone: 503-367-7316
Message Board Username: SBDryen
About me: I'm a Tualatin resident and native Oregonian who graduated
from Newberg High school in 1995. In 2001, I obtained a 4-year B.S. degree in
Vascular Diagnostic Medical Sonography from Oregon Institute of Technology, and
have worked 10+ years for Providence Health, primarily at St. Vincent Medical
Center. My wife Hope is an amazing singer, and we have two awesome boys who
can't wait to become little dirt bike racers. As a family, we are all really
excited to spend quality weekend time camping and at the OMRA races.
Additionally, I have an awesome set of parents. I wish I knew at least 1/2 of
what my dad, Darryl Reid, knows about suspension set-up, and thankfully he's
always able to help straighten-out my clicker errors and leaky fork seals.
My favorite riding area: Trask Mountains... but
quite honestly anywhere were there isn't dust or silt. I tend to ride and race
as fast as I safely can, and man do I hate the dust!!
My first bike/ATV: Suzuki JR-50, Christmas 1982. Favorite bike: Dad's
custom paperboy KDX-200 engine in a KX-125 frame, this thing was phenomenal in
the woods!
My riding experience:
Dad - Darryl Reid, taught me to ride at the age of five and I have been enjoying
2-wheels ever since. My first race was the Trask 2-Day qualifier at age 15 in
the 200AM class, riding a 1990 KDX-200, and my hero at the time was Team Green's
Kurt Hough. I will always cherish my memories riding with my Dad in the Trask Mountains out of the Flying-M ranch.
My favorite saying:
"A wise man can learn from a fool, but a fool can learn from no one".
Why I became an OMRA Officer: After 25+ years of racing, it's long
overdue that I step up and help out with the sport that I love.
I'd also like to say: I have many lifelong friends that I have met through
motorcycle racing. The camaraderie we share is one of the key components that
makes our sport truly excellent. As I am now raising 2-sons, I want to expose
them to the great off-road opportunities that I was blessed with growing up, and
therefore will do my part to help with the OMRA. As always, I am looking forward
to meeting new friends on the trail and race track!