Jordan Rhinevault
Cell: (971)340-5596
Message Board Username: JRCanby
About me:
I was born in Oregon in 1976. Got my first bike
at the age of 6 for Christmas and was hooked instantly. My parents were both
heavily involved when I was growing up. My mother was OMRA president in the
early 90's. After school I got married and had to give up riding, then in 2009 I
got divorced and started riding again. I'm not fast enough to race anymore but
love to get out and am enjoying being involved on this side off things and
giving back to the sport that was a huge part of my childhood.
My favorite riding area: Top on the list would be Hood River or East Fort Rock for family rides. Other than that, I like going into Tillamook State Forest and have even enjoyed a few dunes trips with my girlfriend.
My first bike/ATV: My first was
a 1976 Yamaha YZ80 or GT80, can't remember for
sure, but I got it in 1982 for Christmas when I
was 6, then in '84 I got a brand new Yamaha Y-Zinger 80. After that was my
brothers '84 YZ80 and then the '88 KX125 that got sold when I was 20. Then in
2009 I got back into riding on a '93 KX250 and currently am happy with my 2005
YZ250. Sometimes you can catch me out on my oldest daughter's TTR125 or in the
sand on my younger daughter's Raptor 660R. Aside from the kids, all mine have
been and will be 2 strokes!
My riding experience: There are so
many to choose from, but the races in Sumpter, Oregon (like the Top Hat
100) would be the most memorable. Some of the best times happen when you get
lost in that area. Growing up on 40 acres and having 5,000 behind
the property made for great memories too. But nothing really compares
to seeing my kids enjoying the same trails that I did.
My favorite saying: Don't sit
there and complain, do something about it!
Why I became an OMRA Officer: I
want to give back to the sport that gave me so
many memories growing up, and Billy Toman threw my name in there.
I'd also like to say: Get
involved and teach the youth riders how to respect the trails we have available
to us. If you're out on the trails and see a work party
going on, stop and lend a hand and don't forget to thank the people out there
building and maintaining all the trails we ride on and love.