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If you, as a forest recreationist, enjoy motorized recreation in the Tillamook/Clatsop State Forest and want to continue doing it, you would be wise to vote this measure DOWN! If this measure passes, the environmental extremists will take HALF of the forest and designate it as non-motorized.  That's their FIRST step with their agenda, and it won't stop there.  Do you really think the Tillamook Rainforest Coalition wants you to recreate in 'their' forest?  It would be the eventual demise of a pristine OHV area.  Below is what the OMRA and others have submitted into your Voter's Pamphlet. We urge you to read and vote NO on this measure.

Vote NO to measure 34!

Contact: Alliance to Keep Our State Forests Working: 503-363-7084,




Currently, the Oregon Department of Forestry provides great opportunities for people to enjoy the Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests. These recreational opportunities are part of the ODF's plan to make sure Oregonians get a chance to explore and enjoy our state forestlands.

Measure 34 won't expand opportunity, it will cut funds for existing programs meant to get us out in the forests, and turn it's back on existing, historic trails and facilities.

The Board of Forestry adopted the Tillamook Forest Recreation Plan even before the current forest management plan was adopted in 2001. The recreation plan outlines how the ODF develops and manages recreational opportunities.  Recreation volunteers played a key role in designing the existing plan, and have contributed thousands of hours of volunteer time to help implement it.  

If Measure 34 passes the ODF will be forced to divide the forest without regard to where these current, historic trails and campgrounds are located, or which areas are best suited for future facilities.  The acres that 34 will leave for recreation will be a fragmented, unworkable patchwork.  Funding for recreation programs like those in the existing plan will also be cut, further decreasing opportunities for adventure-seeking Oregonians.

Today's responsible forest management gives us better access to the forests than under measure 34.

Conditions for the two most popular sports in the Tillamook, hunting and Off Highway Vehicle recreation, will worsen.

Federal forests require recreation fees.  That's not what Oregonians want for our state forests.

Measure 34 will lead to cuts in recreation budgets, forcing the State to explore access fees.

Measure 34 doesn't enhance recreation, it restricts it.

These, and countless other OHV organizations, partners and multiple use advocates encourage you to vote no on Measure 34:

Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association

Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association

Warn Industries


Oregon State Snowmobile Association

For more information on this measure, check out a Google search by CLICKING HERE!  Notice who's for it, and who's against this measure!  Do you really think the environmental extremists care whether you recreate in 'their' forest or not?  THINK ABOUT IT! Tell all your riding friends to vote NO on Measure 34!