URGENT: BLM needs to reopen trails in Jawbone
(I have personally never ridden there, but heard it's great. The student quote fires me up. How about you? - Tom)
Please write a letter using the points made in the letter at the end of this
email as well as any other points that you feel are important regarding Jawbone.
Together we can make a difference. Please forward this to your lists. Take the
letter at the end of this email to races & events & get other
riders involved.
Thanks Chris Horgan, Stewards of the Sequoia
I have been talking to the BLM about the need to reopen the hundreds of miles of
single track in Jawbone that are currently slated for obliteration.
Your OHV grant funding is being used to pay for the removal of these trails.
Once they are removed riders in Jawbone will not have sufficient trails to ride
on. They will be forced to ride on the remaining 261 miles of designated
"trails". These so called trails are mostly roads.
BLM has told me that the squeaky wheel gets the grease & that riders need to
tell the BLM that they want more trails in letters & meetings. There are
35,000 riders in Jawbone on a busy weekend. I talked to some of them recently.
None of them had written a letter or joined a club like CORVA or Friends of
Jawbone, that could represent them. The riders told me that "THEY" are
fighting to keep the area open. The only way trails are going to remain open is
if "YOU" get involved.
If you are sick & tired of having your own money used to close you out of
the few remaining designated motorized riding areas then start writing letters.
Everyone needs to Join Friends of Jawbone for $15 & CORVA for $30, that's
less than a tank of gas. These are volunteers, that's right they do not get
paid, who have been fighting the fight, but they need more help.
Here is the quote of the month that I recently sent
A Student Conservation Corps team leader in charge of closing more than a
hundred miles of single track trails in Jawbone CA told me today, that perhaps
it is time that motorized users realized that public lands are no longer an
appropriate place for them to recreate. Motorized users should stay on private
Do you want to keep riding?
Do you want your kids to be able to ride?
Then get involved now.
If BLM got 35,000 letters & everyone joined CORVA it would go a long way to
keeping trails open here & elsewhere.
PO Box 267
Lake Isabella, CA 93240
March 25, 2004
BLM Ridgecrest Field Office
Hector Villalobos, Field Manager
300 S Richmond
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Dear Mr. Villalobos,
There is a situation that needs your attention in the Jawbone
motorized use area. I understand that the Jawbone area has approximately 261
miles of designated trails. Looking at the area our members find that these are
mostly roads, not trails. Law enforcement at Friends of Jawbone meetings have
stated that about 35,000 ohvers come to Jawbone to recreate on busy weekends.
These off roaders assume that since this is the area that has been designated
for off road use, that there will be adequate opportunities provided for them to
recreate. Most of them did not come to ride roads. They have been enjoying the
many hundreds of miles of existing undesignated trails in Jawbone for many
years, in some cases many decades. It would seem reasonable that since there are
35,000 users enjoying the existing undesignated trails, that they now be
designated as open. We also see that the majority of these undesignated
trails are in very good condition, not overly used, widely spaced & not
duplicate trails.
By closing trails the BLM is creating an unsafe OHV area by
forcing Ohv’s onto roads where speeds will be higher than on trails. In some
areas it is impossible for green sticker Ohv’s to get to legal OHV roads,
without illegally going on undesignated trails, or breaking the law by traveling
on street legal only roads. This is not acceptable.
As you know the Student Conservation Association SCA, is in
the process of actively obliterating all undesignated trails in the Jawbone
area. They are putting in a lot of hard work doing this & are being funded
with money paid by off roaders in the form of green sticker & fuel taxes.
Once the existing trails are obliterated I understand that no new trails should
be created. Unfortunately no one told the cows & even at this early
stage in the obliteration work, the cows have created new trails to replace the
ones that were removed by the SCA. The cows also enjoy the hay that is put down
to promote the trail obliteration.
It is reasonable to conclude that once considerable ohv fund
money is spent & all the hard work of obliterating trails done, that there
will not be enough trails to support the 35,000 ohvers that recreate in this
area. The off roaders will inevitably create new trails to address the need for
enough trails & of suitable variety. Then closure activists will point their
finger at the off roaders & say that they are reckless & the area must
be shut down. It is irresponsible of the BLM to ignore the clear need of the
existing 35,000 users & create this conflict. The plan that determined
the Jawbone designated trail system is now over twenty years old. Since that
time over 50% of legal motorized use areas have been closed, while the motorized
use has doubled.
It is time for the Jawbone undesignated trails to be
reopened. Once the trails are opened there will be little need to patrol for
illegal use. This will eliminate the need to spend hundreds of thousands of
dollars in law enforcement to stop people from riding the undesignated trails.
Much of that law enforcement is currently paid for by the OHV fund. This money
can then be used to maintain the trail system & provide the OHV opportunity
that the public needs, as well as preserve this historical off road riding area
for future generations.
By pursuing further closures the BLM is damaging the
resource. You are forcing off roaders onto a smaller & smaller road system.
You are eliminating the trail system. This will only increase the impact on the
land. It will also increase the cost for law enforcement & maintenance. I
understand that your agency like all others are short on funding. It would make
sense to open more trails & reduce these drains on your already limited
The Jawbone SCA team leader told me that, “perhaps it is
time that the public realize that ohv use is not an appropriate use of public
land. Ohv’s should be on private land.” The current closure trend that
the BLM has made no effort to reverse, in total disregard for increased damage
to public land that it will cause, is evidence that the BLM shares this opinion.
This is not acceptable. It is also unrealistic that millions of off roaders in
California will just disappear or can move to private land. Ohv use is a valid
use of public lands & one that Ohvers fund, unlike most other user groups.
Please let me know your position regarding the designation of
non designated trails as open & how we can help the BLM to preserve the
resource while increasing & maintaining the existing motorized opportunity
that the public obviously needs.
Thank you for your prompt consideration in this matter.
Chris Horgan
Executive Director
Stewards of the Sequoia
Promoting Responsible Motorized Recreation & Environmental Stewardship