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Letter from Sergeant Kevin Shuffstall in Iraq

Below is an open letter from Kevin Shuffstall in Iraq and is a must read.  Start from the bottom and work your way up the email thread.  Needless to say, I'm humbled and impressed that he took the time fighting for our freedom to point out the rights that we have and take for granted in our country. The continuing apathetic attitude by most riders allows more and more areas to cave in to the enviro extremists and their specific non-compromising agendas. I routinely get burnt out trying to preach positive OHV activism, but letters such as his get me fired up again. Please read and get involved.

Also, his letter has struck a chord with so many people, that his letter may also end up in the national AMA Magazine.  The OMRA and NMA have also sent him a complimentary membership.
Ride on,
-Tom N.

Thanks Tom, I appreciate you letting me do what I can from where I am. I will be sure to write plenty of letters and e-mails to the right people pertaining to our cause.  My address is:

SSG Kevin Shuffstall
B.Co. 29th Sig. Bn.
APO AE 09391

My check is in the mail along with my registration form. I sent a letter off to my legislator in Washington. I will write as many letters as I can find time for. I see that China Hat is coming up this weekend. I wish i could be there. I've heard nothing but good things about the race. I see you have your number already, good luck. My father-in-law will be there. He's most likely riding the Seniors class. Anyways, thanks for your effort in getting my letter published. Maybe some folks will pay attention to it and make a difference.  Thanks again, and I would appreciate any info you have on the subject. I recently joined the OMRA group at yahoo. So I can check there for info also. Take care.


Dang, Kevin, that email really hit home. My thoughts exactly and  it really hit home that fact that you're fighting the good fight and pointing out the rights and freedoms that we have, due to efforts by people such as you.  Rest assured your letter will be in the next Newsletter. I plan on getting it posted in many other rider publications too, if that's okay with you. Often times I get tired and burnt out of trying to promote OHV use, but things like your email give me a shot in the arm.
Be safe, be strong and hope to see you again at one of the events soon!

Ride on,
-Tom Niemela


Hey Tom, I met you a couple of years ago at the Black Dog Dualsport. It was an amazing ride; you guys do a fantastic job with the event.  Right now I am sitting in the middle of Iraq at Camp Anaconda about 100K north of Baghdad. I have a little free time here and there and I found the OMRA website today. I can't help but get alarmed at the thought of losing more and more off-road riding areas back home due to disrespectful riders, loud motorcycles, and an apathetic attitude of other riders about getting involved with local clubs and riding areas. When not in Iraq I live at Fort Lewis. I am hoping the enclosed letter will end up in your newsletter.  Anyways, keep up the good work and here goes nothing.

"Missing The Sport"
By: Kevin Shuffstall

I am a Staff Sergeant in the best Army in the world, that's the United States Army of course. I have been stationed at Camp Anaconda, Iraq for 3 months now. And I miss my bike almost as much as I miss my girl.  Fort Lewis, WA has been my home for about 4 years. Originally I'm from New York State. Since moving out west I realized how lucky we are to have the public riding areas we do. New York does not have any state authorized or state run riding areas in the entire state. I have raced a number of races throughout Washington and absolutely love the riding in all of the Pacific Northwest. There is something that is troubling me though; I can't help but get alarmed at losing more and more off-road riding areas back home due to disrespectful riders, loud motorcycles, and an apathetic attitude of other riders regarding volunteering and supporting local clubs.

There are times when I lay awake at night, clutching my M-4 Carbine just waiting for the mortars and rockets to stop falling. I sit there and say to myself, "God how I wish I were flying down a tight single track right now". Or I'll be on a convoy and I'll see a fantastic berm or dirt mound and think, "man I bet I could catch some great air off of that".  I have another 9 months left here until I ship out and am able to ride again. In the past I  have taken for granted the luxuries of being an American. My check is in the mail for my OMRA membership as I write this letter.

I have a question for all fellow riders who aren't members or members who don't volunteer. What are you doing to put back into the sport? This is a serious issue for riders; clubs need volunteers, the OMRA needs more members, you need to do your part to keep your bike quiet. Don't take our ability to ride our machines for granted. I'm not writing this letter to chastise anybody. I am just concerned and would like to see more people get involved before it's too late. In the past I took for granted our right to ride public land. I won't do it again, How about you?

Thanks for your time and I can't wait to get back and ride Brown's Camp, McCubbins Gulch and so on.
Fighting from the Front.

Staff Sergeant
Kevin Shuffstall
Fort Lewis, WA