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AMA warns of proposed cuts to rider safety programs 

Apl. 4 – The AMA warns motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle riders nationwide that cash-strapped states may try to raid funds earmarked for rider safety programs to balance their budgets.

In fact, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) has already asked her state's Legislature to eliminate Michigan 's Motorcycle Safety Education Program and the Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program. She eliminated the programs from her proposed Fiscal 2004 state budget, which was recently sent to lawmakers for consideration.

" Michigan motorcyclists and ATV riders must act now to prevent the loss of these valuable programs," said Imre Szauter, AMA legislative affairs specialist. "And riders in other states need to keep a close watch on their lawmakers to be sure that their safety programs aren't threatened as well. We understand that several states are considering cutting their motorcycle safety programs as part of their efforts to balance their budgets."

In Michigan , the AMA urges motorcyclists and ATV riders to contact the governor and their state lawmakers to tell them that the safety programs are self-supporting -- paid for through fees collected from motorcyclists and ATV riders. And since the governor's proposal would eliminate the fees collected to support the programs, the state would see no money savings.

Michigan riders can easily send messages to their government officials asking them to keep the rider training programs, by using the StateWatch section of the Rapid Response Center .

Riders in other states are encouraged to check out what issues face them by going to their state in the StateWatch section of the Rapid Response Center .


News Release

Contact: Don Amador
Phone: 925.625.6287
Date: April 4, 2003

Rangers and Riders Gear Up for OHV Sound Testing Program

EL CENTRO, CA  -- Federal rangers and key off-highway vehicle (OHV) leaders
gathered on April 2/3 at the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) El Centro
Field Office for a two day sound testing workshop. The goal of the
conference was to train the attendees to conduct sound testing in order to
comply with the new 2003 California 96 decibel A-scale (dBA) limit for dirt
bikes and all-terrain vehicles. The previous sound limit was 101 dBA.

The BLM officers and other interests where taught the physics of sound by
Dr. Rob Harrison. Harrison, often referred to as the  "Father of the 20-inch
Sound Test", explained the science of the test procedure approved by the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE J1287 JUL98).

Keith Ginn, a Forest Service OHV specialist with Trails Unlimited, taught
the field application of the 20-inch test. Don Amador, the western
representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, assisted him.

The students were taught how to identify a legal spark arrestor and that it
must always have the make and model number on the muffler. In most cases it
will also have "USDA Forestry Approved Spark Arrestor" stamped or
permanently affixed to the unit. Also, each OHV has a specific rpm at which
it is sound tested. This information is found in the Motorcycle Industry
Council's  "Stationary Sound Test Manual."

The BLM rangers practiced using their newly purchased Quest 1400 sound
meters and "vibrating tachometers" on various OHVs.  Amador supplied a KTM
400 EXC and Yamaha WR426 for the practice testing session. Different brands
of spark arrestors were changed on the bikes so the event participants could
have a variety of bikes, products, and dBA levels to evaluate.

Amador stated,  "It was great to see the BLM and local representatives from
AMA District 38 and the
American Sand Association working together so the riding public can become
educated about the new 96 dBA sound limit."

"The BLM should be commended for hosting this workshop and for their
continued commitment to pro-active management of OHV recreation in the
desert and throughout California," Amador concludes.

# # #

The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national non-profit organization dedicated to
promoting responsible recreation, equal opportunity, and recreation access
to all. It represents over 1,100 organizations and businesses with 650,000
members. The BlueRibbon Coalition works to "Preserving our natural Resources
FOR the public instead of FROM the public," and to promote cooperation among
the various user-groups.