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Annual OMRA Calendar Meeting Status

11/3/03 - Last Saturday's annual OMRA Calendar Meeting went very well and a good time was had by all.  Lobos even had their heater working!  Many thanks again to Lobos M/C for continuing to offer their clubhouse facilities for this occasion all these years!

We now also have a brand new club in Heppner, OR!  They're called the Reloader Ridge Riders M/C and have been working on the new OHV area purchased by your OHV stickers!  They will be working jointly with Lobos on three events next year: CC, DS and PR.  They're contact info is: Reloader Ridge Riders M/C, PO Box 530, Heppner, OR  97836, phone: (541)676-5425, email: draver@centurytel.net

Below is the tentative calendar for 2004.  Clubs that were NOT represented (and had events scheduled this year) was Applegate M/C, Jones Creek M/C, COTA M/C and COMAC M/C.  All other clubs presented their dates for next year's events.  Most clubs paid their 2004 dues at the meeting except MRA, who emailed their proposed dates and will mail in their dues. 

Attention remaining clubs: You will have until December 1, 2003 to get your club dues in or risk not being on the calendar flyers, so please submit your dues before then!  To expedite, send directly to the Treasurer, Tom Niemela at the following:

Tom Niemela - OMRA, 1101 SE 53rd Court, Hillsboro, OR  97123

Include your 2004 club fee of $25 and then add your event fee as follows:  $70 per points-paying race event per-day (GP, CC or ISDE) and $5 for any other event per-day (dualsport, poker run, etc.). 

Here's the proposed 2004 event dates:

2004 Calendar - Tentative  Last Updated Wednesday, December 24, 2003

(Events with a grey background have been updated.  An asterisk means have yet to receive dues.)

Contact me ASAP if there are any corrections needed!  Tom: (503)681-8881 or TawmN@aol.com


1 – Hangover Scrambles, JCTRA*


7 – banquet


10~14 NOHVCC National Conference (Portland)

13 - 4hr team race at Eddieville, OTBG

27-28 WORCS Eddieville GP, OTBG


4  Trailsmen First Chance Poker Run

11 Mt. Scott Poker Run

10-11 MRA Timber Mtn. HS

17 - 4hr team race at Starvation Ridge, OTBG

24 Joker Poker Run, COMAC

25 China Hat ISDE Lobos


1 GP – Starvation Ridge OTBG

2 CC – Starvation Ridge OTBG

2 MRA Mayday Poker Run

2 Silver Dollar Poker Run Trailsmen

15 Reloader/Lobos Poker Run

16 Reloader/Lobos CC

16 Simple Simon Dualsport Mt. Scott

22-23 TBA NORA

29-30 Funky Chicken ETRA


5-6 Teepee Run Mt. Scott

6 Euro GP Eddieville OTBG

12-13 WORCS Longview GP race

12 Heppner Dualsport, Reloader/Lobos

13 Summer Fun Poker Run Trailsmen

20 Poker Run Lobos

19 Starvation Ridge, 4hr  dusk to dark team race, OTBG

27 Devils Head ISDE Mt. Scott


10-11 Blackdog Dualsport  NWT&T

18 Tillamook 100 CC Trailsmen

18 Oregon/Washington 500 Beaverton Honda (road)

25 Mike Stewart Poker Run Mt. Scott


1 (Washougal National MX)

1 Poker Run Lobos

7-8 Kids Field Day Trailsmen

15 Mt. Scott Road Run

21 Road Ride COMAC


12 Last Chance Poker Run Trailsmen

17-19 WORCS GP (Idaho), WORCS*(non-points)

18 Ratdog Dualsport NWT&T

19 Horny Wolf Dualsport Lobos

19 Rock 'N" Roll Poker Run, JCTRA*

25 Prospect Dualsport MRA

26 Eddieville Euro GP, OTBG


10 Dick Jagow GP Mt. Scott

16 Old Timers Banquet Beaverton Honda

16 Dualsport Ride COMAC

17 Starvation Ridge GP, OTBG

23 GP Jerry Clough Memorial NORA

24 CC Monkey Butt NORA

30 Fall Classic CC Lobos

30&31- 24 hours of Starvation Ridge, OTBG

31 Ghost/Goblin Poker Run MRA


6 OMRA Annual Calendar Meeting

7 AMA Annual Sanction Meeting


14 Euro GP, OTBG
