<<<<BACK to website Last Updated Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Click here to
see the killer letter we got from Derek Steahly! (653k PDF file)
Click here to see the awesome card we got from Alan Deyo!
[Alan read the list of names below, of which I forgot to include the original ones, so rest assured Alan would have thanked them too! -Tom]
Here's the official summary. Finland wins it, as does Stefan Everts for
individual, but not by a lot.
Here's the individual USA results:
Here's AMA's results:
Congrats to Team OMRA's Derek Steahly, Alan Deyo (finished with fractured ribs)
and Jeremy Puma for giving it their all! Bummer for Jeremy on the
unfortunate DQ.
It's too bad we again weren't a factor on the Trophy Team . Of course, the
entire event looked like an MX race on beach dunes.
Next year is Poland!
10/15/03: Checks for $235 were sent out to the three Club Team OMRA Riders today. Here's hoping they are successful and come home with gold medals!!! Thanks again to those of you that donated your hard-earned cash! We can't wait to monitor their progress via the internet!
8/7/03: At last night's OMRA Meeting it was decided that the OMRA would make a donation to the three OMRA Club Team ISDE Riders of: Jeremy Puma, Derek Steahly and Alan Deyo. If you too would like to make a donation that goes directly to just these three team riders, please contact either Gunny or Tom below:
Rick "Gunny" Claypoole: Gunny@blackdogdualsport.com
Tom Niemela: TawmN@blackdogdualsport.com
Donations made to the OMRA Club Team:
On 7/26, a bunch of people helped Rick "Gunny" Claypoole get the Team USA ISDE container ready for all the team's rider gear and bikes. Gunny & Laura Claypoole, Ron Collins, John Yates (& his girlfriend, Kathleen), Jeff Dunham, Barrett Brown, and Tom Niemela worked in the hot sun to make sure the riders had the best shipping situation possible. Ron spent almost the entire day installing a new transformer, so that the riders would have reliable electricity no matter what country or voltage they encountered. All the tents and EZ-up's were set up to air out and the container was cleaned. All the supplies were documented, lunch was served then everyone got together to straighten out the dent in the side of the container (that came from a shipping collision in transit at a past year). Beams were cut (thanks Jeff!), jacks were installed and metal was bent. Once it was done, the shelves were once again working. Thanks to these people for helping out and making a difference for this year's Team USA!
(Click below to see pictures taken by Laura)
Ron installing the transformer / Raising the big tent / Letting the top air out / A group mug shot / Barrett carving with an electric chainsaw / Kathleen holding up the handtruck / All together now - bend that wall back in place!
Contact: Tom Lindsay
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Phone: (614) 856-1900 x1357
E-mail: tlindsay@ama-cycle.org
PICKERINGTON, OHIO -- The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has announced
the names of all 49 riders who will represent the United States in the 78th
International Six Days Enduro (ISDE), scheduled for November 3 - 8, 2003, in
Forteleza City, Brazil. Riders chosen as Team USA had to meet selection
procedures previously announced by AMA.
ISDE riders must complete difficult off-road routes on each day of the
competition within a rigorous time schedule and are assessed penalty points for
being late. Also pivotal to team and individual scores are daily "special
tests" which are races against the clock in which each rider's performance
is judged against the class leader. At the end of the competition, riders are
awarded medals (gold, silver, bronze) for their performance.
The top level of competition at the ISDE is among six-rider teams competing for
the World Trophy. Racer Productions, producers of the AMA Grand National Cross
Country Series, formed "GNCC ISDE 2003," a project that will provide
full support for the U.S. Trophy Team, which has been dubbed "America's
Team." The six riders that make up America's Team are Rodney Smith (team
captain), Antioch, Calif., Fred Andrews, Salem, Ohio, Mike Lafferty, Millville,
N.J., Mike Kiedrowski, Saugus, Calif., Jason
Raines, Belfiar, Wash., and Ty Davis, Hesperia, Calif.
The top four riders under the age of 24 to represent Team USA as the Junior
Trophy Team are Kurt Caselli, Palmdale, Calif., Wally Palmer, Atco, N.J., David
Pearson, Panaca, Nev., and Andrew Justin Shea, Oxford, Ohio.
The remaining riders who qualified for this year's ISDE, have been placed on
three-rider teams named for clubs contributing to the 2003 ISDE fund. They are:
Boise Ridge Riders: Eric Bailey, Fort Collins, Colo., Luke McNeil, Bellingham,
Mass., Jason Webb, West Hills, Calif.; ECEA Stars: Greg Gillian, South Riding,
Va., Aaron Kopp, Pt. Pleasant, N.J., Richard Lafferty, Millville, N.J.;
ECEA Stripes: John Burgard Jr., Bloomingdale, N.J.; Steven Kreis, Gillette,
N.J., Ben Smith, Great Meadows, N.J.; GNCC: Barry Hawk, Smithfield, Pa., Randy
Hawkins, Travelers Rest, S.C., Chuck Woodford, St. Clairsville, Ohio; JAFMAR
Racing: Pat Flynn, Huntington, Ind., Jeff Fredette, Beecher, Ill., John
Wells, Dublin, Calif.; Merced Dirt Riders: Brian Garrahan,
Boulder Creek, Calif., Patrick Garrahan, Boulder Creek, Calif., Ron Schmelzie,
Buffalocreek, Col.; Missouri Mudders: Russell Bobbitt, Fayetteville, Ga., Mike
Monroe, Alabaster, Ala., Lars Valin, Eureka, Mo., Mt.
Scott Motorcycle Club: Morgan Crawford, Sanger, Calif., Jonathan Seehorn,
Rockford, Wash., Aaron Wilson, Enumclaw, Wash.; Northwest Motorcycle Club: Eric
Bee, Bothell, Wash., Paul Neff, Puyallup, Wash., Bryan Penney, Littleton, Colo.;
Oregon Motorcycle
Riders Association: Alan Deyo, Orofino, Idaho, Jeremy Puma, Medford, Ore.,
Derek Steahly, Medford, Ore.; Ridge Riders Motorcycle Club: Dylan
Debel, North Branch, Minn., Josh Lojak, Tarentum, Pa., Mark Thompson, Copper
Canyon, Texas; SKUNKWRx.net: Rod Kreiss, Fairfield, Calif., Bryce Olson,
Rocklin, Calif., Rob Zimmerman, Colfax, Calif.; Dualsport Series Team: Lissa Arsenault,
Medford, N.J.; Heidi Landon, Palmetto, Ga., Amanda Mastin, Whitehouse, Ohio.
The ISDE is one of the world's oldest and most historic motorcycle events. The
U.S. won The Vase Trophy in 1973, while The Junior Team from 1991, brought home
the Junior Trophy. In 2001, Team USA was presented the Watling Trophy, awarded
to the country that puts forth the best effort under adverse conditions.
Two corporate sponsors also support Team USA: PJ1 Lubricants and Arai Helmets.
The public can help support Team USA by purchasing the 2003 ISDE t-shirt,
available online in the AMA Gift Shop -- log on to
www.AMADirectlink.com and click on "Gift Shop."
For complete package details about the AMA Travel excursion to the 2003 ISDE,
call AMA Travel & Tours at 614-856-1900 extension 1196.
The American Motorcyclist Association, founded in 1924, is a non-profit
organization with more than 260,000 members. The Association's purpose is to
pursue, protect and promote the interests of motorcyclists, while serving the
needs of its members. For more information, visit the AMA website at
www.AMADirectlink.com, or call 1-800-AMA-JOIN.
Latest ISDE 2003 News From Gunny! 7/3/03
For those of you in the chat group that have been following the info from Tom
and I about a club team for the ISDE called: Oregon Motorcycle Riders
Association Club team. I am proud to announce that I have requested the
following riders for that team:
Derek Steahly
Jeremy Puma
Ben Hale
I know Ben is from Washington, and rides mainly NMA events, but, he does ride
our events too - and he's very fast. As a matter of fact these three riders were
selected from their "top 17" positions at the Idaho qualifier.
They finished as follows:
Ben 4th O/A
Jeremy 7th O/A
Derek 11th O/A
So I think we have a good club team.
Next: Mt. Scott M/C also made a donation to the ISDE support fund and received a
club team; I nominated the following riders for that team (we're out of Oregon
Jonathan Seehorn (former JR Trophy team rider) 16th O/A @ Idaho
Eric Bee 13th O/A @ NY qualifier
Paul Neff 6th O/A @ Idaho
Again, another strong team.
And finally yours truly has once again sponsored the JAFMAR
Racing Club team - for some reason that winds up being the seniors that
qualified (maybe it has something to do with me having the rules changed to
allow a club team for riders 40+ years old in 1990.
Anyway, they are:
John Wells
Jeff Fredette (maybe you heard of him??)
Pat Flynn
Thats it for now.
Gunny Claypoole
we submitted the check to the AMA to field a "Team Oregon Motorcycle Riders
Association"! Huge props go out to those of you who donated! We
will keep you updated as things happen for this year's huge push to get the USA
its first overall win!
Team OMRA club team for this year's ISDE in Brazil?
The ISDE Team Captain, our own Gunny Claypoole, threw out a proposal to be involved as a club team for this year's International Six-Days Enduro in Brazil. He originally proposed that any club could be listed and all it would take is a $500 donation to the AMA ISDE Fund. One of the USA club teams would then be listed on all results as whatever name they choose. Then it was brought up that many clubs could donate and could be listed as Team OMRA. Wouldn't that be cool to be listed in the results as Team OMRA on all the worldwide results? We've already donated towards a Team USA EZ-Up in the past (picture below), and past Oregon ISDE qualifier folks, so I'm throwing out the first donation and challenge from NW Tour & Trail for $100 to the goal. We just need four more $100 donations or multiple smaller donations. To be part of this opportunity, contact Gunny Claypoole or I:
Rick "Gunny" Claypoole: Gunny@blackdogdualsport.com
Tom Niemela: TawmN@blackdogdualsport.com
Once we get enough to make a club team, we will submit as "Club Team - Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association". If we get more money than that, we can submit a second club team name, etc. or just submit as a generic donation. FYI, all American riders that qualify go race in this event with their own personal money or donations, and any and all help is appreciated, just ask some of our local boys over the years like Barrett Brown, Ken Maahs, Bill Rush, John Yates, Derek Steahly, Jeremy Puma, Robert Johnson, Dan Harte, Tommy Ady, etc.
Donations so far:
Deadline is April, so get involved now and help out! For more information about this year's ISDE, click here. For the official AMA 2003 ISDE page, click here. For the official Brazilian ISDE site, click here!