Looking for Old timer riders Who Know Dick Glanz
Hey I am looking for dirt and road riders that rode with Dick Glanz - in the
70's era. He is my father who is battling cancer.
Any Old Photos - or Stories about riding with Him would be appreciated. He is
currently Doing very well for someone the dr's. said would be only around for a
short time (three months or less) as of last year (2002)
Thanks Chris Glanz, meryquil@yahoo.com
New club in Hood River
Just got this in. Contact Doug if you're local and feel like joining
-Tom N.
FYI, the new club in Hood River is called the: Columbia Gorge Off-
Road Association. We are currently 57 members strong and growing.
For more information please contact:
CGORA-Columbia Gorge Off-Road Association
c/o MXD Motorsports
1406 12th St.
Hood River, OR 97031
ph 541 387 3223
fx 541 387 2739
Best Regards,
Doug Brown
Treasurer- CGORA
Doug Brown/Terry McDowell
Owners MXD Motorsports